What Can I Do With a Major in Cellular Biology?
Cell biologists are scientists who try to understand how cells function and interact at the molecular level and extrapolate this knowledge to explain the biology of whole organisms. The major is built on a curriculum of didactic and laboratory classes. These courses provide a solid grounding in general molecular biology as well as deeper insights into cell and developmental biology, infection and immunity, and the molecular mechanisms of disease. Rooted in basic science Cellular Biology classes often explore important new discoveries and concepts in medicine, biotechnology and veterinary sciences.
Cellular Biology majors are members of a laboratory and conduct their own research. They work side by side with faculty, graduate students and research fellows from all over the world. Cellular Biology students make important discoveries and present their research at regional and national conferences and publish in international science journals. Undergraduate research is an exciting way to learn and understand science first hand and an important asset for application to graduate or medical school. A bachelor’s degree in Cellular Biology prepares students for entry into graduate programs in cell and molecular biology, genetics and biochemistry as well as other areas of modern biology. Cellular Biology majors are also well prepared to enter medical, veterinary, or pharmacy school. Other students may enter a professional career immediately after graduation working as laboratory technicians in the biotechnology industry or in Academia. In addition, other Cellular Biology graduates may pursue careers in teaching, forensic biology, technical writing, sales, or product development for the pharmaceutical industry.
Possible Career Paths
Taken from American Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Agricultural scientist | Beer and wine maker | Bio-animator and filmmaker | Bioethicist | Bioinformatician | Biological and medical illustrator | Biomedical engineer | Biomedical researcher | Bioremediator | Biostatistician | Biotechnology researcher | Bioterrorism expert | Business administrator | Clinical researcher | Conservation biologist | Criminal investigator | Dietician | Entrepreneur | Environmental attorney | Environmental scientist | Epidemiologist | Food safety expert | Forensic scientist | Genetic counselor | Government health official | Grant administrator | Grant writer | High school teacher | Marine biologist | Museum curator | Museum exhibit preparer | Nurse | Occupational therapist | Optometrist | Patent agent | Patent attorney | Pharmaceutical researcher | Professor | Public health administrator | Public information officer | Public outreach expert | Regulatory affairs expert | Sales and marketing professional | Science policy expert | Science reporter | Science writer/editor | Toxicologist | Veterinarian | Zookeeper
Recent Employers
Emory University Hospital | Katholieke Universiteit Leuven |
BioLab | Dept of Natural Resources |
EPA | Medical Laboratories |
Biotechnology Firms | Diagnostic testing companies |
Food and Drug Administration | Merieux Laboratories Inc. |
CDCGA Bureau of Investigation | National Institute of Health |
Center of Limnology | Neural Signals, Inc. |
Cryolife | New England Medical Center |
Joseph W Jones Ecological | Ocean Aquariums |
Danakll | ORISE/CDC |
on American Inc. | Pharmaceutical companies |