Academic lll, Cellular Biology Advisor, Graduation Certification Officer
Distinguished Research Professor and GRA Eminent Scholar
(706) 542-8104Moreno Lab, Secretary of Cellular Biology Graduate Student Association
Professor of Infectious Diseases and Cellular Biology, Director, Center for Tropical & Emerging Global Diseases, GRA Eminent Scholar Chair in Antiparasitic Drug Discovery
(706) 542-3688Cellular Biology Department Head, Associate Professor
(706) 542-7433Klonowski Lab, Co-President of Cellular Biology Graduate Student Association
(706) 542-3688Kurup Lab, Treasurer of Cellular Biology Graduate Student Association
(706) 542-7351Adjunct Professor, Georgia Cancer Coalition Scholar
(706) 583-8241Academic Professional, Managing Director of Georgia Electron Microscopy
(706) 542-4080Professor of Cellular Biology, Meigs Distinguished Teaching Professor
706-542-2978Regents Professor, UGA Athletic Association Distinguished Professor
(706) 542-3362Tarleton Lab, Co-President of Cellular Biology Graduate Student Association