Friday, May 15, 2020
UGA Cellular Biology is proud to present Dr. Munisha Mumingjiang.
Monday, May 11, 2020
UGA Cellular Biology is proud to present Dr. Jenna Wingfield.
UGA Cellular Biology is proud to present Dr. Manuel Fierro.
Marine protists are a highly diverse collection of species, and the inability to genetically modify a large majority of them has been a major hurdle to their study. Dr.
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
The winner of the 2019 Annual Graduate Program Research Photo Contest is Madison Grant with this photograph of a dorsal view of white matter tracts in an iDisco cleared whole mouse brain.
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Undergraduate Inquiries: cellbio@uga.edu
Registration and Credit Transfers: cellbio@uga.edu
AP Credit, Section Changes, Overrides, Prerequisites: cellbio@uga.edu
Graduate Inquiries: cbgrad@uga.edu
Associate Head: Dr. Cordula Schulz, 706-542-3515
Main office phone: 706-542-3310
Head of the Department: Dr. James Lauderdale